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How to Get Fancy Registraion Number in Maharashtra RTO

Buying a new car in 2020? Well, you might even consider opting for a fancy number plate if you do not might spend money on the same.

What is a fancy number for your vehicle?

A fancy number could be anything like 8888 or 0022 or 1111, etc. It could be your favourite numbers like your date of birth or any other number that you might be fascinated with, maybe in terms of astrology or numerology, etc. Whatever, be the case if you wish to register your vehicle with a specific number of your choice, it comes at a particular cost and is considered as a “FANCY” number.

As per The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, all vehicle owners must get their vehicles registered as per the RTO number plate rules and fix the vehicle number plate on the back and front side of the vehicle, irrespective of you having any fancy number plate or not. Maharashtra, being one of the busiest states in India has the same rule, so if you are staying in any part of Maharashtra, you need to follow the rule as per the act.

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How to check on the availability of fancy numbers?

If you are thinking of a particular fancy number for your vehicle, the first thing to do is to check whether that fancy number is available or not. It is quite easy to check the availability of the fancy number in Maharashtra online. Below are the simple steps to follow:

  • Visit the official website of Vahan Parivahan (Government of India)
  • Click on the ‘Search by number’ option
  • Select the state name, choose RTO name, enter captcha code and then enter the fancy number you are looking for. Click on the ‘check availability’ tab.
  • Choice of numbers along with the series is displayed for you to check.

How to register for a fancy number in Maharashtra RTO?

While you check for the availability of the fancy number that you are looking for, there is a possibility that the other person may also look for the same number. In such cases, you and the others need to bid for the number. Following is the online process to bid for the fancy number in Maharashtra RTO:

Process of registration:

You can register for the fancy number and bid for the reserved fancy number. Following are the simple steps to follow for the registration.

  • Visit the official website of Vahan Parivahan (Government of India)
  • Register yourself on the site and log in as a new user.
  • Once you log in, click on ‘’search by number’’
  • Choose the fancy number and click on the ‘E-auction’ tab to participate in the e-auction
  • Click on the ‘number selection’ tab and select the reserved number
  • Click on the ‘continue’ tab to go ahead with registration for e-auction
  • Fill in the application with all the relevant details and submit
  • Make a payment of fees and get the receipt

Process of bidding

Once you are a registered bidder, you can bid for the reserved fancy number and participate in E-auction. Following are the simple steps to follow for the process of bidding.

  • Visit the official website of Vahan Parivahan (Government of India)
  • Once you log in, select ‘auction services’ and then go to ‘bidding process’
  • Click on the unique acknowledgment number, bid up, and submit.
  • If your bid is successful, you will receive the message on the registered email ID and mobile number to proceed with the payment.

The process to check the auction results

You can check the status of your e-auction through the below process:

  • Visit the official website of Vahan Parivahan (Government of India)
  • Choose the option ‘show auction result’
  • Enter all the required details such as state name, RTO name, and the result date
  • Once you enter all the details click on the ‘view’ tab
  • The list of final results will be displayed.

You can also book fancy numbers for your vehicles in Maharashtra through an offline process as well. Let’s take a look at the offline process of booking a fancy number for your vehicle in Maharashtra.

The procedure of fancy number booking in Maharashtra

If you are looking for RTO fancy number booking Maharashtra for your vehicle in Mumbai or any other part of Maharashtra, you need to follow this step by step procedure to get a fancy number booking in Maharashtra:

  1. Step 1: Application
    You need to submit an application at the respective registering authority or the RTO nearest to your location
    To know the RTO for your area, click here.
  2. Payment of Fees
    You will have to pay the required fees for fancy number booking in Maharashtra, either you can carry a demand draft or you can pay at the RTO office as well. The RTO officer will help you in paying the fee online from the official site of “Vahan “portal
  3. Selection of the fancy number
    As per your category of vehicle, the RTO Maharashtra choice number list will be shown to you in the selected series like MH539E, etc. and you can choose accordingly
  4. Allotment of the Fancy Number for your vehicle in Maharasthra

    The new or the fancy number will be allotted to you and the RTO will generate the fancy number receipt, which will be attached to the new transaction for registration and verification thereafter. Here you need to use your user id, password, and verification code in the “Vahan” portal to do the needful as your vehicle fancy number will be registered online at this stage. In this stage there are 3 processes which you need to follow:
    Recording of the New registration For your vehicle in Maharasthra with the fancy number
    • Verification for the New registration
      For your vehicle from the dealer that you have bought the vehicle from
    • Approval for the New registration
      Once the verification has been successfully done, your fancy number would be approved for the registration of your new vehicle
    • The input of vehicle details
      After the number has been allocated and the vehicle has been verified, you need to enter your input the details online for the registration purpose. The details that need to be entered are:
      • Vehicle chassis number which is unique to your vehicle
      • The last 5 characters of the engine number and
      • Then choose the registration as “New” and
      • Then select “Yes” in the Advance Registration No Allotted key and
      • Then enter your personal details as the owner of the vehicle like:
      • Your name
      • Address
      • Contact details
      • And other personal details, as requested
  5. Receipt Number
    Once the details of the vehicle have been entered for registration,you will then need to enter the receipt number that has been provided by the RTO after selection of the fancy number along with your current address
  6. Approval
    This is the last stage where your new registration gets approved and your vehicle is allotted a fancy number
  7. Auction process
    There might be a situation when there are multiple requests for a specific registration number. In such cases, the allotment is usually done by the process of an auction (details given in the next section

An important point here for you to note is the reservation of your fancy vehicle number is valid for 30 days only, within which the process of registration must be completed. Else, the number becomes void and you might have to re-register your vehicle.

Auction Process for fancy number booking in Maharashtra

If there is a request for a specific fancy number in Maharasthra and there are multiple applications for the same registration number, the respective RTO follows the process of auction which is done in 2 stages, one by the RTO and then you as a user can go online and do the needful.

  • Step 1: The RTO Process:
    • You need to log into the “Vahan” portal by clicking on” Public log in”
    • Then, you need to register yourself if you have not signed up earlier already
    • Once you log in, you can select your choice of the number
    • You would then need to click on ‘Number Selection’ button after which the applicant home page will be shown where you need to select your RTO, type, and category of your vehicle
    • You will then be able to see the RTO Maharashtra choice number list available for getting a fancy number
    • Check the availability of any by clicking on ‘Check availability’ button and choose the number of your choice from the ones available
    • https://vahan.parivahan.gov.in/fancy/faces/public/checkfancynumberavailability.xhtml
    • Once you select the number, you need to go to continue registration and register your new vehicle number by giving your details and proceed to enter the details of the demand draft for fancy number booking in Maharashtra
    • After the demand draft gets approved, you can participate in the bidding
    • You can increase your bid as well in multiples of INR 1000
  • Step 2: Public User
    • You again need to log into the “Vahan” portal by clicking on” Public log in”
    • Then, you need to select ‘Auctioning’ from the dropdown menu of other Services
    • The form will have your registration mark, the reserve price, your bidding amount and the highest bid amount
    • The result of the auction shown after the bidding process done online is closed and if you are the winner then you need to submit the details of the demand draft and proceed with the new registration as mentioned above

There is an Auction Process for a VIP number as well. The fees can be crazy and it varies from place to place as there is an auction process for the same. This money is a great source of revenue for the RTO of Maharashtra.

Elements of the vehicle number plate and the significance

You must have noticed various patterns and alphabets with numbers and wondered what are those. You will get to know about the same from below:

Let us take the example of MH-01-AB-1234 IND

  1. 1st Two Letters: MH
    The first two letters of your Vehicle Number Plate imply the state or the region in which your vehicle is registered with the respective RTO. For example: if your vehicle is registered in Maharashtra then your vehicle will be allocated MH which is the code of the State.
  2. The next two numbers: 01
    This denotes the district where your vehicle is being registered. This number differs from each district as all districts have a different Regional Transport Office. So, the numbers 01 refers to a particular RTO in Maharashtra.
  3. The 3rd section: AB-1234
    This portion in your Vehicle Number Plate is the exclusive numerical grouping which is given to the vehicle. This is a combination of 2 letters and 4 digits, which is unique to your vehicle. This is the FANCY NUMBER that you have registered, which are bought at the Regional Transport Office in auctions with an additional price.
  4. The Last part:
    This portion in the Vehicle Number Plate shows a symbol which is IND indicates India. It’s a recent update on the parts of a vehicle number plate. The main purpose is to stop dishonest persons from unlawful doings. This number is used in HSRP which is known as High-Security Registration Plates. HRSP is damage-proof plates that were introduced in 2005 with the purpose of lower the number of burglaries of the vehicles and now it is mandatory for all the vehicles as per the law.

Fees for a fancy number in Maharasthra:

You need to choose your number from the ones available by clicking on “check available”


The price for the fancy number plate in Maharashtra is mentioned in the list and the fees need to be paid accordingly.

Here is the sample of the price category for getting a fancy number in Maharashtra:

  1. Super Elite Category for a number like 0001 is INR 5,00,000
  2. Elite Category for other single-digit numbers like 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009 is INR 3,00,000
  3. Sequence numbers like 6789, 8888, 9999 and other double-digit numbers like 1122, 0099, etc. are INR 2,00,000
  4. Other fancy numbers like 0300, 0400, 0500, 7000, 9000, etc. are INR 1,00,000.

Getting a fancy number for your vehicle is always exciting and gives a great amount of excitement too. And if you have the passion for driving and a vehicle, getting a fancy number becomes an icing on the cake. So, enjoy your ride but follow the traffic rules and drive carefully.