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United India General Insurance:Compare Plans, Features, Benefits

One of the four public sector life insurance companies, United India Insurance Company was established in the year 1938 as a general insurance provider. Thereafter, in the year 1972, the general insurance business was nationalized wherein 12 insurance companies of India, 5 insurance operations of foreign insurance companies operating in India and 4 cooperative insurance societies were merged with United India Insurance Company. Thereafter, United India Insurance grew tremendously and spread its branches throughout India to sell general insurance products to the Indian population.

Facts about the United India Insurance Company

Here are some interesting facts about United India Insurance Company which are worth knowing –

  1. The company offers a complex and customisable insurance policies for large companies which include the ONGC Limited, Mumbai International Airport Limited and Tirumala – Tirupati Devasthanam among others
  2. The company facilitated health insurance among the rural population of India by offering the Government’s Universal Health Insurance Programme, Tsunami Jan Bima Yojana, etc.
  3. The company has more than 1340 offices pan India and services more than 1 crore policyholders 
  4. A range of general insurance policies are offered by United India Insurance Company to meet the insurance needs of every individual
  5. For increasing the penetration of microinsurance plans, United India Insurance Company has developed micro offices in more than 200 towns and villages across Tier I and Tier II parts of India

Awards won by United India Insurance Company

Ever since the company has started its operations, it has won several awards some of which are listed below –

  • Two Innovation Award for its operations and products
  • SKOCH Award for ICT related innovation for M-Power
  • SKOCH Award in the year 2018 for offering the best crop insurance program

Products offered by United India Insurance Company 

As mentioned earlier, United India Insurance Company offers different types of general insurance products. These products are created for retail customers, for corporate customers and also for the rural customers of the company. Let’s have a look at the different types of insurance plans which are offered by United India Insurance Company – 

United India Motor Insurance Plans

Motor insurance plans are those which are offered for a vehicle whether the vehicle is a car, two-wheeler or a commercial vehicle. A motor insurance policy has been mandated under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 which states that if a vehicle was to be driven in India, it should carry valid third party liability coverage to run legally. This third-party liability coverage protects the interests of individuals other than the vehicle owner. If any individual suffers any type of damage due to the vehicle, the third party policy compensates the third party for the loss suffered. Besides the compulsory third party policy, motor insurance plans are also offered as comprehensive policies. Comprehensive plans are those which cover the third party liability as well as the damages suffered by the vehicle itself. These plans are, therefore, more inclusive in terms of coverage and offer better protection. United India Insurance Company offers both a third party and comprehensive motor insurance plans. The range of plans that the company offers is as follows –

  • United India Two-wheeler Plan– 1 Year Own Damage Cover Bundled With 5 Years Liability Cover, as per the latest Motor Vehicles’ Act Amendment for new vehicles
    This is a two-wheeler insurance policy under which coverage for the damages suffered by the bike is offered for one year but third party liability coverage is offered for 5 continuous years. This policy is meant for bikes bought on or after 1st September 2018.

  • United India Miscellaneous & Agricultural Types of Vehicles – Package Policy
    This is a comprehensive policy which is offered for agriculture vehicles and other types of vehicles.

  • United India Motorcycle Scooter Standalone Own Damage Policy 
    This is a two-wheeler insurance policy which covers only the damages suffered by the bike.

  • United India Standalone Compulsory Personal Motor Vehicle Accident Policy 
    This is a personal accident cover which is a mandatory cover under all vehicle insurance plans. The policy covers accidental death and permanent disablements for a sum insured of INR 15 lakhs.

  • United India Long Term Package Policy – Two-wheeler 5 Years
    This is a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance plan which is offered for new bikes bought on or after 1st September 2018. The coverage duration of the policy is 5 years for both third party and own damage cover.

  • United India Long Term Liability Only Policy For Two-wheelers – 5 Years
    This is a two-wheeler insurance policy which covers only third party legal liability. The coverage duration of the policy is 5 years and the policy is mandatory for two-wheelers bought on or after 1st September 2018

  • United India Liability Only Policy – Private Car
    This policy is designed for cars and provides coverage against third party legal liabilities. The coverage duration of the policy is one year.

  • United India Liability Only Policy – Two Wheeler
    This is a policy which is designed for two-wheelers. The policy runs for one year and covers only third party legal liabilities suffered by the bike.

  • United India Liability Only Policy – Commercial Vehicles 
    This policy has been designed specifically for commercial vehicles. The policy covers third party liabilities which the owner of the vehicle faces if the vehicle causes any type of third party damage.

  • United India Private Car Package Policy 
    This is a one year comprehensive insurance policy for private cars. The policy covers the damages suffered by the car as well as any third party liabilities incurred due to accidents involving the insured car.

  • United India Private Car Standalone Own Damage Policy
    This policy is for privately owned cars and it covers the damages suffered by the car. The policy runs for one year and third party liabilities are not covered under the plan.

  • United India Private Car 1 Year Own Damage Cover Bundled With 3 Years Liability Cover
    This is a bundled insurance policy for private cars. The policy provides coverage for the damages suffered by the car as well as third party liabilities incurred. Own damage cover is available for a period of one year while third party liabilities are covered for three consecutive years. This policy is meant for cars bought on or after 1st September 2018

  • United India Long Term Package Policy – Private Cars – 3 Years
    This is a long term comprehensive car insurance policy which runs for three years. The policy covers the damages suffered by the car as well as third party liabilities and both these contingencies are covered for three years.

  • United India Long Term Liability Only Policy for Private Cars – 3 Years
    This is a long term policy for private cars. The policy only covers third party legal liabilities suffered by the policyholder due to car-related accidents and the coverage is allowed for three years

  • United India Motorcycle Scooter Package Policy 
    This is a comprehensive policy for two-wheelers. The policy is offered for one year and provides an all-inclusive cover to two-wheelers.

  • United India Commercial Vehicles Package Policy
    This is a comprehensive plan for commercial vehicles. The plan extends coverage for own damage as well as third party liability and is offered for one year.

  • Unimedicare Policy
    This policy is a basic health insurance plan which covers only hospitalisation expenses. The policy covers room rent, fees payable to surgeons, nurses, anaesthetists, doctors, etc. and the cost of blood, oxygen, medicines, etc. incurred on treatments.

United India Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance plans are those which cover your health-related contingencies and pay the medical expenses that you incur in such contingencies. Health insurance plans prove to be a relief when the heavy medical costs threaten to wipe out your savings. Moreover, there are different types of health insurance plans to take care of different types of coverage needs that you might have. The list of health insurance plans offered by United India Insurance Company is as follows –

  1. United India Indemnity oriented health insurance plans
    Indemnity oriented health insurance plans are hospitalisation health plans which cover the medical costs which you actually incur when you are hospitalised and avail treatments. Indemnity health plans allow coverage for different types of expenses like inpatient hospitalisation, pre and post hospitalisation, daycare treatments, domiciliary treatments, ambulance costs, organ donor treatments, etc. You have to choose a sum insured when buying the policy and medical expenses incurred up to a maximum of the sum insured are covered under the plan. Indemnity health insurance plans offered by United India Insurance Company are as follows –
    • United India Family Medicare 2014 Plan
      This is a family floater health insurance plan where coverage is allowed for a sum insured of up to INR 10 lakhs. The maximum age at which you can buy the policy is 80 years allowing you to avail coverage even at older ages.

    • United India Gold Insurance Plan
      This is a health insurance policy which offers coverage for up to INR 5 lakhs. free health check-ups are also allowed under the policy after three consecutive claim-free policy years.

    • United India Individual Health Insurance Policy
      This health plan offers coverage on an individual sum insured basis. There are three plan options to choose from and coverage of up to INR 20 lakhs is allowed under the plan.

    • United India Individual Mediclaim
      This is a simple health insurance plan offered on an individual basis. Besides covering the expenses incurred on hospitalisation, the plan also covers the cost of domiciliary hospitalisation and AYUSH treatments.

    • United India Platinum Insurance Plan
      This is a premium health insurance policy which allows cashless facility in more than 7000 hospitals. The plan allows a comprehensive scope of coverage and there are premium discounts too to reduce the premium outgo.

    • United India Senior Citizen Insurance Plan
      This policy is designed for individuals who are aged 60 years and above. The policy allows coverage benefits which are suitable for senior citizens. Free medical check-ups are allowed every three policy years and coverage is allowed up to INR 3 lakhs.

    • United India Mediclaim Policy This is a health insurance policy which covers hospitalisation and its related costs. Coverage for day care treatments, domiciliary treatments, AYUSH treatments, etc. are also allowed under the plan.
  1. United India Top-up Health Insurance Plans
    Top-up health insurance plans are supplemental health insurance plans which help you increase existing health insurance coverage at low premiums. These plans come with a sum insured level and a deductible limit. If your claim exceeds the deductible limit, the excess claim is paid by the top-up plan. Thus, when you have an existing health insurance plan, the sum insured of the plan can be the deductible of a top-up plan. In such cases, claims up to the deductible would be paid by the existing health insurance policy and any excess claim would be paid by the top-up plan. Top-up insurance plans are suitable for individuals who need to increase the sum insured of their health insurance coverage but want lower premiums for the same. There are super top-up plans too which also act as top-up plans. However, under top-up plans, each claim is measured against the deductible while under super top-up plans the aggregate claims are measured against the deductible limit.

    United India Insurance Company offers both top-ups as well as a super top-up plan. The plans are as follows –
    • United India Super Top-up Insurance Plan
      This is a supplemental health insurance plan which has a sum insured and a deductible chosen by the policyholder. If the total claims in a policy year exceed the chosen deductible level, the excess claim is paid by the super top-up policy.

    • United India Top-up Insurance Plan
      This plan is like a super top-up plan however, under this policy, the chosen deductible level is compared against each instance of claim. If the claim exceeds the deductible, the excess claim is paid by the top-up policy. The plan offers different combinations of sum insured and deductible limits to choose from depending on your coverage requirements.
  1. United India Critical Illness Health Insurance Plans
    Critical illness health insurance plans are those which cover a list of specific critical illnesses and medical procedures. If the insured suffers from any of the covered illness or undergoes the covered procedure, the critical illness policy pays the sum insured as a claim. Critical illness plans are also called fixed benefit health insurance plans because these plans pay the sum insured in a lump sum on diagnosis of the covered illness. The claim does not depend on the actual medical costs that you incur. Moreover, the claim that you receive can be used for any type of medical or financial needs that you might have and is not restricted to be used on critical illnesses only. United India Insurance Company offers one critical illness policy which is as follows –
    • UNI Criticare Plan 
      This policy provides coverage against 11 types of critical illnesses and surgical procedures. If the insured is diagnosed with any illness covered under the policy and then he/she survives for 30 days, the sum insured would be paid in one lump sum. The policy offers sum insured levels of up to INR 10 lakhs.
  1. United India Group Health Insurance Plans
    Group health insurance plans allow health insurance coverage to a group of individuals who are members of a recognized group. These health insurance plans cover group members under a single policy which is called the master policy. Moreover, premiums are also collected in one lump sum from the group even though the premium can be paid by the group, by the individual members or partly by both. The sum insured is determined by the insurance company and can either be uniform or differ for every member of the group. United India Insurance Company offers two types of group health insurance schemes which are as follows –
    • Uni Group Health Insurance Policy 
      This is a one year group health insurance plan which provides coverage for mental illnesses too. The cover can also be taken to cover the family members of the members of the group. Moreover, there are optional coverage benefits too which can be taken for a wider scope of coverage.

    • United India Workmen Medicare Policy 
      This policy is designed for the workmen working in companies. The policy covers any type of accidental injuries, disablements or deaths suffered by workmen during the course of their employment.

United India Travel Insurance Plans

Travel insurance plans are those which cover the financial risks that you face when you are travelling on a trip for business or leisure purposes. The financial risks which you can face when travelling include loss of baggage, medical emergencies including evacuation and repatriation, loss of passport, emergency cash advance, accidental injuries, third party liabilities, missed flight connection, trip cancellation or interruption, etc. A travel insurance plan covers these common contingencies and pays you for the financial loss that you suffer. United India Insurance Company offers different types of travel insurance plans which are as follows –

  • United India Baggage policy
    This policy covers the loss of baggage that you take on a journey. Loss or damage of the baggage due to theft, fire, riots, strike, etc. is covered under the policy.

  • United India Suhana Safar Policy
    This policy allows dual coverage to you and your family going on a trip. Coverage is allowed for the loss or damage of the baggage taken during the trip. Moreover, there is also a personal accident cover of INR 1 lakh which covers accidental death and disability suffered during the trip.

  • United India MargaBandhu Policy 
    This policy is specifically designed for trips that are taken for educational purposes or for pilgrimage. The policy covers accidental death, accidental disablement, cost of alternate accommodation due to detour or cancellation and loss of baggage.

  • United India Overseas Travel Insurance 2014
    This is an international travel insurance policy which provides a comprehensive scope of coverage if you are travelling overseas. Coverage under the policy is allowed for medical emergencies, loss of baggage, loss of passport, trip cancellation, third party liability, etc.

  • United India Overseas Mediclaim Policy for Business and Holiday
    This is an international travel insurance policy which covers international trips taken for business or holiday. The policy covers medical emergencies faced when travelling abroad and covers the cost of medical treatments.

  • United India Overseas Mediclaim Policy for Corporate Frequent Traveller
    This is an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy. The policy is designed for corporate employees who travel frequently for business purposes. The policy is offered for one year and covers multiple trips taken within the year.

United India Personal Accident Insurance Plans

Personal accident insurance plans are those which cover accidental deaths and disablements. These plans are also fixed benefit plans which pay the sum insured in a lump sum if the covered contingency occurs. The full sum insured is paid if the insured suffers accidental death or becomes permanently and totally disabled in an accident. In case of permanent partial disability, however, a part of the sum insured is paid depending on the severity of the disability that the insured suffers. Under some plans, permanent temporary disability is also covered wherein a part of the sum insured is paid on a weekly basis up to a maximum period. United India Insurance Company offers the following types of personal accident insurance plans –

  • United India Personal accident policy
    This policy covers accidental injuries suffered anywhere in the world. The policy pays a fixed benefit in case of accidental death, accidental permanent and total disablement, accidental permanent and partial disablement and accidental temporary total disablement.

  • United India Road Safety Package Policy 
    This policy covers accidental deaths and disablements and pays a lump sum benefit in these contingencies. Moreover, injuries suffered in an accident and medical expenses incurred consequently are also covered under the plan. You can also opt for policy extensions to enhance the scope of coverage of the policy.

United India Householder’s Insurance Plans

This insurance policy is designed for homeowners and tenants and provides coverage against the damages suffered by the house and/or its contents. United India Insurance Company offers one types of householder’s insurance policy which is a package policy and is as follows –

  • United India Householder Policy 

United India Shopkeeper’s Insurance Plans

A shopkeeper’s insurance policy is designed to cover the shop premises of a shop owner against damages and theft. United India Insurance Company offers the following types of shopkeeper’s insurance policy –

  • United India Shopkeepers Policy 
  • United India Dukan Mithra Policy 

United India Fire Insurance Plans

Fire insurance plans are those which cover an asset against damages suffered due to fire and other related perils like lightning, aircraft damage, explosion or implosion, storms, typhoon, hurricane, cyclones, missile testing operations, etc. United India Insurance Company offers different types of fire insurance policies which are as follows –

  • United India Fire Declaration Policy 
  • United India Fire Floater Declaration Policy 
  • United India Fire Floater Policy 
  • United India Fire Loss of Profit Policy
  • United India Standard Fire and Special Perils Policy 

United India Marine Insurance Plans

Marine insurance plans protect against the damages incurred during the transportation of goods from one place to another either within India or between two or more countries. Marine insurance plans are important for businesses which are engaged in the transportation of their goods. Marine insurance plans can be taken to cover either the goods which are being transported or the vessel which is being used for transportation. United India Insurance Company offers two types of marine insurance policies each for covering the damage to goods as well as damages suffered by the vessel itself. These policies are as follows –

  • United India Marine Hull Insurance Plan
  • United India Marine Cargo Insurance Plan

United India Industrial Insurance Plans

Industrial insurance policies are designed for industries and the financial risks that they face in their production process. These policies protect companies from substantial financial risks by compensating them for the losses that they suffer. The different types of industrial insurance plans offered by United India Insurance Company are as follows –

  • United India Boiler and Pressure Plant Policy 
  • United India Contractors Plant and Machinery Policy 
  • United India Deterioration of Stock Plan
  • United India Electronic Equipment Policy 
  • United India Industrial All Risk Policy 
  • United India Machinery Breakdown Policy 
  • United India Erection All Risk Policy 

United India Liability insurance Plans

Liability insurance plans are those that cover the financial liability which a company faces due to its operations or activities. These liabilities are faced when any third party (consumers, stakeholders, suppliers, etc.) face any type of financial loss due to the action of the company. Liability insurance plans cover these third party liabilities and take care of the compensation payable to third parties in case of any financial loss. United India Insurance Company offers the following types of liability insurance policies –

  • United India Motor Liability Policy 
  • United India Product Liability Policy 
  • United India Professional Indemnity Policy 
  • United India Public Liability Policy 
  • United India Workmen’s Compensation Insurance 

United India Micro Insurance Plans

Microinsurance plans are insurance policies which are designed for people living in rural areas. Micro-insurance policies cover the insurance needs of rural people and provide them with different types of coverage options. United India Insurance Company offers a wide range of microinsurance plans which offer good coverage benefits at affordable premium rates. The list of microinsurance policies offered by the company is as follows –

  • United India Agricultural Pump set Insurance Plan
  • United India Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme
  • United India Bhagyashree Child Welfare Scheme
  • United India Biogas Plant Insurance Plan
  • United India Cattle and Livestock Insurance Plan
  • United India Dairy Package Policy 
  • United India Farmers Package Policy 
  • United India Floriculture Insurance Plan
  • United India Gramin Accident Policy 
  • United India Honey Bee Insurance Plan
  • United India Hut Insurance Plan
  • United India Jan Arogya Bima Policy 
  • United India Janatha Personal Accident Insurance Policy 
  • United India Kisan Credit Card 
  • United India Mother Teresa Women and Children Policy 
  • United India Package Policies
  • United India Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana
  • United India Rural Accident Policy 
  • United India Poultry Insurance Policy 
  • United India Plantation Insurance Plan

United India Credit Insurance Plans

Credit insurance plans protect the policyholder against credit defaults by borrowers and compensate for the loss suffered by the lender. The credit insurance scheme offered by United India Insurance Company is as follows –

  • United India Credit insurance policy 

United India Miscellaneous Insurance Plans

This category of product contains other types of insurance plans offered by United India Insurance Company for businesses and individuals. The plans which fall under this category are as follows –

  • United India Burglary Policy 
  • United India Jewellers Block Policy 
  • United India Money in Transit Policy 
  • United India All Risk Policy 
  • United India Bankers Indemnity Policy 
  • United India Compact Policy 
  • United India Directors and Officers Policy 
  • United India Fidelity Guarantee Policy
  • United India Film Production Policy 
  • United India Gun Insurance Policy 
  • United India Lift Insurance Policy 
  • United India Money Insurance Policy 
  • United India Plate Glass Insurance Policy 
  • United India Students Safety Insurance Policy 
  • United India TV Insurance Policy 
  • Uni Study Care Insurance Policy 
  • United India Wedding Bells Policy 
  • United India Medical Establishment – Errors and Omissions Insurance 
  • United India Hoarding Insurance 

How to buy United India Insurance plans?

If you want to buy any insurance policy offered by United India Insurance Company, you can buy the plan either offline or online. The process for each is as follows –

  • Offline purchases
    Offline purchases can be done either by visiting the branch of United India Insurance Company or through an agent of the company. United India Insurance Company has a wide network of branches in all major cities of India. You can locate the branch in your city and visit it to apply for any policy offered by the company. Alternatively, you can get in touch with an agent who sells United India Insurance products and apply for a policy through him.

  • Online purchases 
    United India Insurance has developed its online interface to offer insurance policies online through its website. You can, therefore, visit https://uiic.co.in/home and choose the policy that you need. Then, you can buy the policy online if the chosen policy is offered online. Online applications are easier and they can be done from the comfort of your own home or office.

    Even Turtlemint is tied up with United India Insurance Company and offers its products online on its website. You can, therefore, visit https://www.turtlemint.sanity.turtle-feature.com/ and choose any health or motor insurance policy offered by United India Insurance. You would just have to provide the coverage details based on which the premium would be calculated instantly. You can, then, fill up an online application form and pay the premium online to apply for the chosen United India Insurance policy.

How to renew United India Insurance plans?

Renewal of United India Insurance plans can also be done online or offline. For offline renewals, you can visit the branch of the company or contact the company’s agent. The renewal premium would have to be paid and the policy would be renewed. For online renewals, you can visit the company’s homepage and select the policy which you want to renew. Provide your policy number and click ‘Fetch Data’ to check the details of your existing policy. Choose to pay the renewal premium online and the policy would be renewed instantly.

If you have bought your policy from Turtlemint, you can also renew online through Turtlemint itself. Just log into your Turtlemint account and click ‘Renew’. Pay the renewal premium and the policy would be renewed instantly.

Premium payment modes

Premiums for United India Insurance policies can be paid using any of the following modes – 

  • Credit cards
  • Debit cards
  • Cash 
  • Cheque
  • Demand draft
  • NEFT
  • RTGS
  • IMPS
  • Mobile wallets
  • UPI interface 

How to make a claim under United India Insurance plans?

The claim process for United India Insurance plans depends on the type of policy that you have. However, in all types of claims, the insurance company should be informed immediately of the claim. The company would, then, guide you with the required steps which should be followed to get the claim settled. The claim processes for motor and health insurance policies, which are quite common and popular, are as follows –

  1. Motor insurance claim for United India Insurance Plans:
    • When your vehicle suffers damage and you inform the company, the company would direct you to the nearest cashless garage
    • Take your vehicle to the nearest garage and the company’s surveyor would visit the garage to assess the claim
    • The surveyor would prepare a claim report based on which United India Insurance would approve cashless repairs
    • After approval, repairs would be done and you can take delivery of the vehicle. The company settles the claim with the garage directly
    • In the case of third party claims, file a police FIR and the claim goes to a motor accidents tribunal. The tribunal determines the third party compensation which the insurance company would pay to the third party
    • If your vehicle is stolen, file a police FIR. The police try to find the vehicle and if they cannot, they issue a non-traceable certificate. Submit the certificate to the insurance company to get the claim.
  1. Health insurance claims for United India Insurance Plans:
    • For cashless claims, seek out a networked hospital and get treatments therein.
    • Fill up a pre-authorization form 3-4 days before hospitalisation is you are taking a planned treatment. For emergency treatment, the form should be submitted within 24 hours of being hospitalised
    • Based on the form, the insurance company would approve the claim
    • You can then avail cashless treatments and the insurance company would settle your medical bills directly with the hospital 
    • After being discharged from the hospital, submit all relevant documents and the claim form to get your claim settled

If you have bought your motor or health insurance policy from Turtlemint, you can also make a claim by informing Turtlemint. When you make a claim through Turtlemint you don’t have to follow the claim process yourself as Turtlemint does that for you. Turtlemint follows the claim process and coordinates with United India Insurance Company to get your claim settled easily and at the earliest. To inform Turtlemint dial 1800 266 0101 or send an email at claims@turtlemint.com and your claims would be handled easily.

Company address and contact information

The registered office of United India Insurance Company is located at 24 Whites Road, Chennai – 600014 while the head office is located at 19, Nungambakkam High Road, IV Lane, Chennai – 600034. You can even call the head office at the number 91-044-2852 0160

United India Insurance Company also responds to queries and complaints sent through an email to their customer support centre. The email id is customercare@uiic.co.in and you can send a mail to the company for any help that you need.


For any queries related to online policies, you can send an email to United India Insurance Company at online.policy@uiic.co.in and the company would respond to your queries within two working days from Monday to Friday.

The list of networked hospitals has been shown on the website of the company. You can visit https://uiic.co.in/uiiccontactus and choose the tab ‘PPN Network Hospital’. A city-wise list would open. Select your city and download the PDF attachment which contains the names of the networked hospitals in that city.

Yes, there is a toll-free number for contacting United India Insurance Company and it is 1800 425 333 33. You can connect with the company’s customer care department through this number anytime between 10 am and 5:45 pm from Monday to Friday.